
Patient Anaesthetic Info

Who is an Anaesthetist?

Anaesthetists are generally understood as the doctors who 'put you to sleep for surgery'.

An Anaesthetist is a physician trained in anaesthesia and peri-operative medicine to deliver anaesthesia safely to patients. This includes a pre-operative evaluation, consultation with the surgical team, creating a plan for your anaesthesia and provision of pain control after the surgery.

Your Anaesthetist is registered with the GMC and Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCOA) or equivalent. Every Anaesthetist takes part in the ‘Continuing Medical Education’ program run by the College.

You will meet your Anaesthetist prior to your procedure and discuss your past surgical and medical history, as well as the important aspects of your upcoming care. It is your Anaesthetist’s job to oversee your wellbeing during the procedure.

To get more information on The Royal College of Anaesthetists, please click on the image to go to the RCoA website.

Types of anaesthesia

Your Anaesthetist works along with your Surgeon to ensure your surgical procedure and recovery period is as comfortable and pain free as possible. The anaesthetic you undergo depends on factors such as the type of surgery, your past medical and surgical history.

The types of anaesthesia include:

General Anaesthesia (GA)

This is commonly referred to as "going off to sleep". A combination of drugs and anaesthetic agents are administered to achieve a carefully controlled medical state of unconsciousness and the absence of pain. GA is normally commenced intravenously via a needle placed in a vein in your hand or by administering a combination of anaesthetic gases by the Anaesthetist. The anaesthetic is then maintained throughout surgery by breathing anaesthetic gases or an infusion of anaesthetic agents. Your Anaesthetist will stay with you throughout the procedure, constantly monitoring and ensuring your wellbeing.


Sedation is achieved by your Anaesthetist by administering a combination of drugs that make you feel relaxed, drowsy and comfortable during the procedure. Sedation is also commonly used in combination with other anaesthetic techniques such as Regional and Local anaesthesia.

Regional Anaesthesia

Regional anaesthesia is a procedure where a part of your body is numbed. This is achieved by performing an injection around a nerve or a collection of nerves. Some commonly performed regional anaesthetics are spinals and epidurals. Many procedures on the shoulder, arm, hip and the leg can be performed under regional anaesthesia. You can be awake during the surgery or may choose to have some sedation. Regional anaesthesia can also be combined with a general anaesthetic to provide excellent pain relief after the surgery.

Local Anaesthesia

Local anaesthesia is where a small area of the body is numbed with the injection of local anaesthetic drugs and surgery can then be performed pain free on the numb area while the patient is awake. It can be combined with light sedation.

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